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How do I contact my Banks support for help?

Help Centre contact details and webpages for the top CDR providers

Updated over a week ago

Each Bank (Data Holder) journey commenced on varying schedules, as determined by the ACCC. We have listed the help centre contact details and webpages for the top CDR Providers for your reference below. If your provider is not listed below you can search for their Open banking help pages online.

Non‑major banks will now be required to commence sharing of joint account data from 1 October 2022, please contact your bank directly if your joint account is not available to select.

Review your financial institutions current available accounts and constraints for Open Banking Open Banking.

Contact your bank:

Data Sharing Arrangements using Open Banking are based on consumer consent with Accredited Data Recipients (Frollo). As a Data Recipient Frollo receives direct bank APIs for Products, Accounts, and Transactions, this means we are unable to provide access to accounts that your bank has not yet enabled for Open Banking.

Please read your bank’s CDR Policy which will detail eligibility for data sharing for customers, accounts and the type of data shared. If you cannot resolve your issue from the documentation please contact your bank's support team for further advice.


ANZ App or Internet Banking help can be found here

Internet Banking for Business help can be found here

Contact ANZ on 13 13 14


Feedback or complaints form

Customer Help Centre 13 17 19

Bank of Melbourne

Intenet Banking help can be found here

Contact BOM Support on 13 22 66

Feedback or complaints

Bank of Queensland

Make a compliant here

Contact BOQ Support on 1300 55 72 72

Bank SA

Feedback or complaints eforms.banksa

Contact Bank SA Support on 13 13 76

Beyond Bank

Telephone: 13 25 85


Make a complaint here or call 1800 805 605

Contact Commbank support on 13 2221

Contact Commbiz support on 13 2339


App or Internet Banking help can be found here

Contact HSBC Support on 1300 308 188

Open Banking help


Contact ING Support [email protected]

ING customer care: Phone: 133 464


App or Internet Banking help can be found here

NAB Contact centre on 13 22 65

P&N Bank

App or Internet Banking help can be found here

For bcu customers, by calling us on 1300 228 228 or emailing us at any time at [email protected].

For P&N Bank customers by calling us on 13 25 77 or emailing us at any time at [email protected].

Macquarie Bank

Contact on 1800 806 310

St. George

Internet Banking help can be found here

Contact St. George Support on 13 33 30

Feedback or complaints eforms.stgeorge


Internet Banking help can be found here

Online enquiry here

Contact Suncorp Support on 13 11 55

Virgin Money

Internet Banking help can be found here

Phone: our Customer Care Team on 13 81 51


Contact Westpac on 132 032

CDR Complaints Process

If you think a Data Holder (Bank) has mishandled your Consumer Data Right (CDR) data, breached your privacy, or has prevented you from sharing your data with an Accredited Data Recipient (Frollo) you should complain to them first, before you lodge your complaint with the OAIC or a recognised external dispute resolution scheme.

Check the business’ CDR policy, and links above for popular providers, or search your provider's website, which must explain how a consumer can make a complaint.

You can lodge a dispute with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

They provide a fair and independent, free complaint resolution service:

Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call) Address: GPO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC, 3001

If your complaint is about your privacy or how we handle your CDR data, you can also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

Phone: 1300 363 992

Address: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001

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