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Updated over 6 months ago

Q: Why I don't see the How You Spend graph?

A: The Cashflow feature replaces the How You Spend graph to help you seeing where your money is going. Once you have the Cashflow feature, the How You Spend feature has decommissioned.

Q: Why I don't see the 3Month Average widget anymore, along with the Income & Expenses widget?

A: The Cashflow feature replaces the How You Spend graph to help you seeing where your money is going. Since you have the Cashflow feature, the How You Spend feature, the 3Month Average widget, the Income & Expenses widget are not necessary as you can use Cashflow to see all information you need.

Q: Why sometimes I only see Money In and Money Out bars, but not the 'Leftover' one?

A: The graph only shows the Leftover bar when it's really leftover. When it's Overspent or zero, you don't see the bar in the graph.

Q: What I get from 'Past month' view? (and other past periods)

A: Past month (and other past periods) gives you the view of your finances from today counting backward (a month, a week, a quarter and so on). This is different from Calendar month when you see your finances from 1st day of the month up to today.

Q: What is Calendar month (last business day)?

A: This gives you a view of your finances, starts from the last business day of last month up to today. For the past periods, the start date is the last business day of the last period until the day before the last business day of the selected period (e.g. From 28th April 2023 to 30th May 2023).

Q: What will happen to other graphs if I change the select period of the Out screen?

A: Once you have changed the period view, it applies to all other graphs and screens so you can have a same period across the board.

Q: Why in the Overview screen, a part from the Graph, the screen looks empty?

A: You are using Android app. This is an early version of the Cashflow feature in Android, we are adding more information to this screen. It will bring more helpful insights of user finances to this overview.

Q: Why I don't see some transactions that I can see them in the Transactions list, but not in the Cashflow area?

A: By default, transactions with these categories are automatically filtered out from being viewed in the Cashflow area: - Transfer between accounts - Credit card payment The reason being is: These transactions don't change your financial position, because they're net off each other when you transfer money from one account to another. When you have these transactions in Cashflow, it makes your money in and money out look double accounting.

Q: Can I include Transfer Between Accounts and/or Credit Card Payment transactions in the Cashflow area?

A: By default, transactions with these categories are automatically filtered out from being viewed in the Cashflow area:

  • Transfer between accounts

  • Credit card payment

The reason being is: These transactions don't change your financial position, because they're net off each other when you transfer money from one account to another. When you have these transactions in Cashflow, it makes your money in and money out look double accounting.

Q: What 'Excluded' means in the Buckets screens for In, Out, Net?

A: Excluded in the Buckets screens for In, Out, Net represents for all transactions that have been excluded by you as a user from any of these screens: - Excluded a transaction from the Transaction details screen (and applied all to similar transactions) - Excluded an account from the Account details screen.

Q: I see 3 different average lines, what do they do?

You see 3 different average lines for 3 different information: Your money out, your money in and your net position.

Q: How are the average lines calculated?

A: Each average line is calculated on a same logic: Average amount of all previous periods (Total amount of all previous period devided by number of periods) except the current period.

Q: How is Money In calculated?

A: Money In is calculated by total amount of all credit amounts in your accounts.

Q: How is Money Out calculated?

A: Money Out is calculated by total amount of all debit amounts in your accounts.

Q: How is Leftover calculated?

A: Leftover = Money In - Money Out when it's a positive amount. If it's a negative amount then it'll be Overspent.

Q: Why Money In, Money Out are both shown above the horizontal line in the graph?

A: To be able to compare Money In and Money Out, as well as to visualise your finance in a simple way, we show both Money In and Money Out in a same graph above the horizontal line, Money Out represents in a different colour and has a negative sign before the amount.

Q: Categories view: How do some categories allocate in 'Other', and Why the app doesn't show the Categories graph with all categories?

A: To avoid too many slices to be shown in the pie chart, which would be very difficult to view each of them, we put smaller percentage categories under Other. At this point, the threshold is 5% for this and no more than 10 slices in the pie chart. We will see how it goes and keep improving if we find a better way of showing the pie chart.

Q: How is the difference from the last period of In, Out, Net calculated?

A: The difference = This period amount - last period amount

Q: Why it resets to the default settings of the Cashflow feature after I logged out and logged in again?

A: Yes, it's the correct behaviour of the app. When you log out, it resets all of your personalised settings in the Cashflow area, you just need to set them up again to your prefer view.

Q: I want to see quick view of my spend on the Overview screen.

A: On the overview screen there are 5 sections of spend insights to give you a better view of your finances at a glance.

  • Top categories spent,

  • Most changed categories

  • Top merchants,

  • Largest transactions

  • Largest tags

If you are using Android, this function is not available yet. We're working hard to bring this function to Android soon.

Q: Why on the Overview screen, sometimes I don't see all the 5 spend insights sections?

A: Yes, that could happen if any sections don't have information to show or the percentages are too small (<0.1%) For example if you don't have any tag on a certain period, the Largest tags section will not present for that period.

Q: Why I see on the Overview screen, the section Categories with the most change, the amounts are small but the percentages are really big?

A: The section Categories with the most change is calculated by the differences of same categories between the current period and the previous one, and it shows the top 3 changes by amount regardless of the percentages. Sometimes, in a certain period of time, all changes in amount are small, so it makes sence.

Q: Why the Categories with the most change doesn't present for this period but it showed for the previous period?

A: If all the categories are $0 for this period, it seems that nothing has changed for this period so far so it doesn't make sense to show this section.

Q: In the Categories with the most change section, how the up arrow and down arrow work?


  • If the category is an Expense type, negative amount for the category means increase (arrow up), positive amount for the category means decrease (arrow down).

  • If the category is an Income type, positive amount for the category means increase (arrow up), negative amount for the category means decrease (arrow down).

Q: Why I am seeing Unknown always at the top 3 categories spent?

A: You've probably had many transactions are with Unknown merchant, it's totally normal. This can be improve over time as we keep working on merchants identification so we can have more 'known merchants'. You can also help us by giving us feedback on merchant name.

Q: Why I am seeing Salary/Income is always in the largest transaction?

A: With many users who receive income once a month frequently, when they view their finance monthly, the income transaction is commonly the biggest amount they get for the paycycle, hence it's the largest transaction and it's shown on the Overview to reflect that. If you think that information is not helpful as it's repeated period by period, please give us your feedback so we can improve.

Q: I want to be able to sort categories, merchants, and tags in some certain ways that makes easier for me to view my finances.

A: This function is available in the Cashflow full functionality only. If you are on the MVP version, you are not able to use this.

Q: I want to be able to search a category or a merchant in any screen in the Cashflow area.

A: This function is available in the Cashflow full functionality only. If you are on the MVP version, you are not able to use this.

Q: I want to see the difference of this period to the previous period in percentage.

A: This function is available in the Cashflow full functionality only. If you are on the MVP version, you are not able to use this.

Q: What are the differences between these sorting options? - Amount: High to low - Amount: High to low (absolute) Why I only see the sorting by absolute amount on some screens?

A: When you are in the In or Out area, the values of your money are in one side: Positive or Negative whereas when you are in the Net area, there are both sides of your money's value: Positive and Negative. Having the option of Amount: High to low (absolute) in the Net area can help you viewing the biggest numbers of your money at the top.

Q: Why sometimes I don't see the section 'Other' on Category view or Merchant view after I changed the sorting?

A: Only the default sorting (Amount: High to low) has the section 'Other' that's separate from other categories. When you change the default sorting, the categories under 'Other' will change accordingly, and they are not showing side-by-side anymore (e.g: sort by name), so there is no separate section for 'Other'. However, the categories that belong to 'Other' are still identical by a same colour.

Q: Can I search within the Cashflow area with some filters like date range or accounts or categories?

A: The search function in the Cashflow area is meant to be a local search. You can search within a particular area or screen. If you want to search your whole set of data, you can use the Search and filter function from the Portfolio>Transactions screen.

Q: Why I don't see transactions with these categories: Transfer Between Accounts and Credit Card Payment in the Excluded area?

A: Unlike excluded accounts and excluded transactions, categories that are filtered out by default are not showing anywhere within the cashflow area, even in the Excluded area. You may have probably excluded them from tracking already but this is to proactively avoid double-entry accounting in the Cashflow area.

Q: How do the filters work?

A: Filters don't mean they exclude your transactions. When you filter certain accounts or categories from your cashflow view, they still contribute to your finances. Just the view of cashflow with those accounts and categories is changed to help you track your finance easier.

Q: Why I can't change the filter for Transfer Between Accounts and Credit Card Payment?

A: We configured from our system to filter out Transfer Between Accounts and Credit Card Paymen to avoid double-entry accounting.

Q: Why I can't change the filter for Excluded accounts?

A: Because of the excluded accounts have been excluded from the account details settings, if you want to change the filter of excluded accounts in the Cashflow setting, you'll need to go to Portfolio > Accounts > Account details > Settings > Toggle on Include in Budgets. Then go back to Cashflow settings to change the filter.

Q: What should I expect to see in the Cashflow area if I filter certain accounts out?

A: You won't see transactions associated with those accounts in the Cashflow area.

Q: What should I expect to see in the Cashflow area if I filter certain categories out?

A: You won't see transactions associated with those categories in the Cashflow area.

Q: Why I still see excluded transactions even though I have filtered out accounts that contain those excluded transactions?

A: Excluded transactions don't contribute to your cashflow tracking, hence filtering out or in of accounts don't affect excluded transactions. Beside this, bear in mind that the filter function in the cashflow area works as 'filter', means the transactions are their but not visible to your view, they are not excluded from tracking, they still contribute to your finances.

Q: Will the filters retain in the app if I log out then log in again

A: Your filters will be reset to default.

Q: Why my money in area doesn't show my income transactions even though I can see them in the Transactions list?

A: You probably are using Android. Some functions of the Cashflow feature are not available yet in Android. In this specific scenario, we filtered out some account types from being view in the Cashflow area in the system (e.g. loan, mortgage) to avoid double accounting.

The full functionality of the Cashflow feature has some filters that allow you to select/unselect any account to show/hide in cashflow from the app.

We are working hard to bring these functions to the Cashflow feature in Android.

Q: Do transactions from closed accounts display in the Cashflow area?

A: Transactions from closed accounts still show in the cashflow area as long as they are still visible in the Accounts screen (under Closed Accounts screen).

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