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Updated over 8 months ago

Q: A provider is showing in the providers list but when I tap on it it doesn't allow me to start linking but showing unavailable

A: There are chances a provider is being outage or having a technical error from the bank site, if you try to link your account with this provider, it won't succeed. Therefore we have to put the outage flag on this provider. We will monitor it in the background and remove the outage flag when it's back up and running

Q: Why I don't see my superannuation and investment accounts after successfully linked my account?

A: With Open Banking (CDR) account linking method, superannuation and investment accounts are not in the scope of implementation at this point in time. Therefore, you're not able to see your superannuation and investment accounts.

If you wish to link your superannuation and investment accounts, you can use the screen-scraping method.

See the difference between Open Banking and screen-scraping here.

Q: I have tried to pull to refresh but still don't see my accounts synced. I have contacted the bank and they said they don't know

A: There might be a sync error in the background, or disconnected between our backend system and the aggregator/the bank. You can retry it after few hours or in the next day. It might be fixed by the aggregator/the bank.

Q: I don't see the sharing period while I am linking my account (in the consent flow)

A: This may be the network issue. You just need to close the app completely and try again.

Q: I see the provider, I went through the consent flow to link an account via Open Banking (CDR), I toggled on data sharing, and tapped on 'I consent' button, but it prompted a popup saying error and try again.

A: This could be because of it's a new provider and it has not been enabled from our end. You can Raise a ticket so we can assist you.

Q: I see the provider, I went through the consent flow to link an account via screen-scraping, I toggled on data sharing, and tapped on 'I consent' button, but it shows error on the webpage.

A: This is an error from Yodlee. Normally they can fix this issue within 1-2 hours. You can come back again an retry after 1-2 hour.

Q: I don't receive the OTP to give consent (Open Banking method).

A: Please read the instruction on the bank webpage to know how you would receive the OTP. Some banks send OTP via SMS or email, some send OTP via their mobile banking app.

Q: I don't see some (or all) of my accounts on the success screen.

A: This could be because you didn't select some (or all) of your accounts during the consent flow, on the bank webpage. You can easily go back to the consent and select them. To do this, just go to the Consent dashboard and update your consent.

Q: I don't see some (or all) of my accounts on the success screen. I am sure that I have select accounts to share during the consent flow.

A: This could be an error from the bank / the aggregator. Please Raise a ticket so we can assist you.

Q: My account did link but then missing from the Data sharing dashboard (consent not showing) and Accounts screen (accounts not showing).

A: This could be an error from the bank / the aggregator. Please Raise a ticket so we can assist you.

Q: I gave consent to link, I could see my accounts, I selected accounts to share during the consent flow but then it failed. I've tried multiple times but it persists.

A: This could be an error from the bank / the aggregator. Please Raise a ticket so we can assist you.

Q: Why different accounts have different latest updated .indications?

A: CDR and screen scraping have different sync schedules, CDR is nearly real-time but screen-scraping we only update few times per day

Q: One of my account is showing need actions.

A: This is probably a screen-scraping account, you need to update details or provide the OTP again to re-sync account.

Q: I want to remove/hide one of my account I have linked.

A: Hiding an account from being tracked is different to either exclude from budgeting or data sharing.

  • 'Hide an account' refers to screen-scraping method when you have all your accounts aggregated through screen-scraping, but you don't want to show one of the accounts from being seen in the app. 'Hide an account' doesn't mean the account's transactions and balances are not being shared.

  • 'Exclude an account': You can exclude any account from being track in your budgeting features (including cashflow, budgets, goals or bills feature), doesn't matter it's screen-scraping or Open Banking method.

  • 'Data sharing of an account': In the Open Banking (or CDR) method, you have full control of your data sharing, that means you can select any account to share or not to share during the consent flow. Once you don't select an account to share, the account's transactions and balances are not being shared with us.

Q: Some of my mortgage/loan showing balance in a reverse way? (positive in stead of negative and vice versa).

A: Sometimes this happens to your loan or mortgage accounts, when it happens, it often happens with the screen-scraping method. The reason being is from screen-scraping data, we don't have the information of whether the balance is positive or negative. We have to define under an assumption of loan and mortgage accounts are usually in negative, so any scenarios that your mortgage or loan accounts are not in negative balance (for example you put more money into your loan account that makes the balance positive), then you may see your balance in a reverse way.

Q: Why my foreign currency accounts don't show?

A: We can only show the data that you and the aggregator share with us. This scenario often happens with screen-scraping method. If you don't see your foreign currency accounts during the consent flow, from the webpage that you can select accounts to share, then we are not able to do anything.

Q: Why my foreign currency account balance doesn't indicate the currency (I only see the dollar sign)?

A: Unfortunately, this is a gap we need to fill in. We have it in our backlog, but it's a low priority to fix at this point.

Q: Why I don't see any accounts in the accounts screen but I can see transactions of those accounts?

A: This is a known issue from Apple. It's related to the date settings in your phone. You can go to your iPhone settings and change the date settings to Australian format. It should fix the issue

Q: Can I sort my accounts list?

A: No, the Accounts screen is designed to have accounts grouped under relevant containers to give you the best idea of where your money goes. It shows in a specific order: Containers (Bank, Savings, Credit Card, Loan, Investment), and by time the bank was linked from oldest to newest.

Q: Why some accounts have product info but some don't?

A: You can see product info in some accounts that are linked via the Open Banking (CDR) method. Screen-scraping method doesn't often give you the product info. With some accounts, even though they are linked via Open Banking method, but if we don't have the information from the banks, we won't be able to show it in the app.

Q: Why some accounts have product info but the information is empty?

A: This could be a bug from our end. We will review and fix it as we go.

Q: Interest rates showing in the product info page are not accurate

A: This could be a bug from our end. We will review and fix it as we go.

Q: My account balance is not correct.

A: This could be a technical error or syncing error. Usually it can be fixed in few hours. You can try to refresh (pull down the whole Accounts screen then release) after 2-3 hours, it should fix. If the issue persists, you can Raise a ticket so we can assist you.

Q: Why can't I change some account types?

A: You can only change the account type among the ones that appear on the screen. For example you can change your account from bank to savings or bills, but you can't change from bank to mortgage because they are totally different.

If you think your account type is not correct, but you can't change the account type (as explained above), you need to talk to your bank to correct it from the system.

The most common issue with account types is: Your offset accounts being shown under Loan/Mortgage. This happens because we receive data from your bank that classified the accounts as loan/mortgage accounts, not savings accounts as you would expect. In this instance, please contact your bank to rectify it.

Q: I notice one of my account has incorrect currency display, Why can't I change account currency?

A: The app doesn't have a function to change account's currency. If you think your account is being shown in a wrong currency, please Raise a ticket so we can assist you.

Q: Why my foreign currency account balance doesn't convert to AUD?

A: We don't convert foreign currencies to AUD in the Frollo app.

Q: How does the 'Include in your budget' work?

A: 'Include in your budget' means your account is being tracked in all personal finance management functions of the app. This includes Cashflow, Goals, Budgets, and Bills feature.

If you turn off this 'Include in your budget' in any of your account, that account and all transactions of the account will not be tracked in any features but the account still shows in your accounts list, its transactions still show in your transactions list with a note as 'excluded'.

Q: Will the name I changed for my account in Frollo app also change at the bank?

A: No, the name you change for your account in the Frollo app won't reflect back to the bank. It's just the nick name of your account in our system.

Q: Account balances in Account summary are not accurate.

A: This could be a technical error or syncing error. Usually it can be fixed in few hours. You can try to refresh (pull down the whole Accounts screen then release) after 2-3 hours, it should fix. If the issue persists, you can Raise a ticket so we can assist you.

Q: My net worth shows N/A.

A: This could be a technical error or syncing error. Usually it can be fixed in few hours. You can try to refresh (pull down the whole Accounts screen then release) after 2-3 hours, it should fix. If the issue persists, you can Raise a ticket so we can assist you.

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