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I am missing transactions from my transaction lists
Updated over a year ago

This is what happened!

  • You have successfully linked your account

  • You have successfully synced your accounts and have up-to-date account balances

  • However, you can see transactions missing from your list

Did you know

  • The App systems connect directly to your banks to collect account transactions you have agreed for us to collect

  • The transaction data sent to the App can sometimes appear differently to the transactions you might see in your banking app.

  • This difference can often be the transcription description which we rely on to provide you with a consistent view of your information, and to power the insights we present you with in the App.

  • That is why when we investigate your issue we find most of the time the bank is NOT sending our system the right transaction information.

  • Note: It is an obligation of your bank to send your transaction data out correctly. This is information, that you want to use in a service of your choice. We are continually working with the banks to improve the quality of data being sent, but sometimes they will need a nudge from their customers (YOU)

Here are a few tips to help you resolve your issue:

1. You might retrieve any missing transactions by performing a forced refresh of your app. This will re-sync your accounts

  • In the App look for the Portfolio TAB on the bottom toolbar
    (between Dashboard and Expense)

  • Select Portfolio and you will see all of your linked accounts

  • You can perform a force-refresh of your data by simply ‘pulling down
    on the screen for 5 seconds.

  • If you’ve done this properly, you will see the Wirly Wheel going around as your account data is refreshed

Still having a problem? Here are some options:

Option 1: Unlink your consent and bank. This will restart the process of connecting to your bank

  • This sometimes helps resolve this problem. However, if it is a bank-related issue this will NOT help

  • You will lose all categorisation that you did not apply to similar transactions.

  • You will lose your bills that have NOT be automatically detected.

Option 2: How to UNLINK (stop sharing) your consent with your bank

  • UNLINK - In the App go to the Dashboard page

  • Select ‘Settings’ in the top right corner

  • Select ‘Data Sharing’ and you will see the Banks you have
    previously connected

  • Select the Bank which you believe you have missing transactions
    and you will be presented with the Bank Provider Info

  • Scroll down to Stop Sharing button and select.

  • Follow the instructions to remove your consent and unlink your bank.

Need more support? Raise a ticket

At this point you have tried everything, now it is time to raise a ticket to our helpful support team.

What you will need to help a quick investigation of your problem.

  • The email you signed up with (if you don’t provide this we can not help you)

  • Screenshots (very important)

  • Transactions amount and dates (very important)

We will endeavour to get back asap

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